Friday, 13 May 2016

Authorities Allowed the Violent Teacher Back to Classroom After Savagely Beat an Ahwazi Arab Schoolboy

After a video showing a teacher savagely beating an Ahwazi Arab schoolboy gone viral  Education Department allowed the violent teacher back to the classroom.,.

The head of Shoush city education department, Mojtabta Dinarvand, told ISNA news agency that “As result of “of one the students’ naughtiness, one of our colleagues in the classroom becomes angry, loses his control and physically punishes the schoolboy.”

The head of education department added that the teacher were summoned and necessary warning were given.  This teacher’s file have been completed and referred to the province’s misconduct commission.
The video has emerged showing, a violent non-Arab teacher, pictured right side below, savagely beating an Arab schoolboy on his head, neck and face in a classroom at Shariati school in the city of Shoosh. Many Ahwazi Arabs believe teacher's barbaric action was racially motivated.

Ahwazi sources identified the teacher as GHOLAM KARAMI and described
him as very violent and responsible for many similar incident.

In the video the teacher can be heard shouting“ I will make a real human, bring your hands down you stupid” while the child crying and screaming and asking “what I have done?” (cha ana shem sewi) in colloquial Ahwazi Arabic.

Iran ratified its commitment to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in 1994
but it has done little, if any, to fulfil its international obligation to protect the children’s rights:
Teacher’s barbaric, inhuman and degrading action and Iranian state silence and lack of action constitutes a flagrant violations of the child human rights as stated in CRC including the following

Article 19

1. States Parties shall take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect the child from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse, while in the care of parent(s), legal guardian(s) or any other person who has the care of the child.

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