Friday, 27 November 2015

Mysterious Death of an Ahwazi Political Prisoner

Mystery surrounds the "sudden death" of a 35-year-old Ahwazi Arab political prisoner, Mohammad Hammadi, son of Aoudah. 
Mysterious death of Ahwazi Arab
political prisoner

Mr. Hammadi, father of one, was detained in 2008 and spent two years in intelligence service facilities before being sentenced to 10 years in prison by a revolutionary court for "acting against national security".

He was recently transferred from Sepidar prison to Shayban prison.

The Iranian authorities from Shayban prison today, 27 November 2015, informed the family that his health had deteriorated and they could visit him in revolutionary guard's Mola Thani clinic. They later were told he died of stroke before arriving at the clinic. 

However, the family members, who had visited him last week, maintain that the their son was in "a very good health and high morale" and that they were passionately anticipating his release. 

Informed sources said that a family member who visited the morgue had told the family that their son's body bore some signs of bruising around his neck, back and legs which contradict the authorities account of "natural death" and suggest the authorities were accomplice and involved in his death. 

Ahwazi political and cultural activists including poets have always been subjected to Iran's brutality and physical elimination. In November 2014 Iran detained and poisoned the Arab poet Sattar Sayahi (Abu Soror) to prevent him from involvement in a variety of Arab cultural activities.

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