A Striking Annual Report by Minority Rights Group International: Poor Indigenous Ahwazi Arabs live in one of the most resource-rich region in the world
In its flagship annual publication in June 2012, State ofthe World's Minorities and Indigenous Peoples 2012, Minority Rights Group
International reveals that despite their land contains 90 of Iran’s oil yet
Ahwazis are marginalized and subject to discrimination in access to education,
employment, adequate housing and political participation.
The report says "Ahwazi-Arab minority region of
Khuzestan [Arabistan] in Iran, where 90 per cent of the country’s oil revenues
originate, minority communities live in poverty and suffer ill health from the
pollution by industry of the Karoon River. The river itself is to be diverted
to other drier regions, further threatening the economic security of minority
farmers and the local ecosystem. Attempts to legislate for 1.5 per cent of oil
revenue to go back to Khuzestan have repeatedly failed. Moreover, about 90 per
cent of the labour force of oil and gas industries located in this region is
hired from outside the Ahwazi-Arab population. These and many other groups
therefore suffer the ill-effects of natural resource development without
accruing many of the benefits.
These ill-effects are wide ranging. Natural resource
development can severely damage or even eradicate practices of traditional
livelihoods, including pastoralism, fishing or shifting agriculture, thus
pushing groups further into poverty.
Most of Iran’s
Ahwazi Arab community lives in the south-western province of Khuzestan
[Arabistan], which borders Iraq and contains 90 per cent of Iran’s oil wells.
Ahwazis are marginalized and subject to discrimination in access to education,
employment, adequate housing and political participation. In April 2011, HRW
reported that several dozen Ahwazi protesters were killed by security forces
during demonstrations over the Ahwazi minority’s grievances over state
discrimination and denial of economic and cultural rights. Authorities arrested
hundreds, prosecuted them during flawed trials where they had limited or no
access to lawyers, and executed several."
On the violations of the ethnic minorities’ rights the
report adds that "In 2011, Iran did
not permit Ahmed Shaheed, the UN Special Rapporteur assigned with investigating
its human rights record, to enter the country. Widespread discrimination
against Iranian minorities in both law and practice continued during 2011,
according to an Amnesty International report that noted that minorities face
land and property confiscations, denial of employment and restrictions on
cultural, linguistic and religious rights. In February 2011, MRG published a
briefing which noted that the traditional lands of many Iranian minorities
(namely Ahwazi Arabs, Azeris, Kurds and Baluch
) are rich with natural resources and provide large sources of wealth
for the Iranian government, but local communities experience high rates of
unemployment, poverty and disease because of weak infrastructure and poor
government investment."
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