Saturday, 28 January 2012

Iranian Authorities Attack and Arrest Lawyers and Families of Arabs Prisoners.

Iranian security forces attacked and arrested members of arrested political activists families and with no word from authorities on the conditions and fate of the detainees.The attack happened after authorities denied access to about 50 Ahwzi Arabs and four lawyers gathered outside Susa (Shush) Revolutionary Court to attend the "hearings" of their children. 
After families demanded unconditional legal representative access the hearings, enforcement and riot forces violently attacked and dispersed  women and men without any respect to elders or lawyers. Four men were arrested and their where about is unknown.Lawyers said  that they have been denied access to the pre-trial  and hearing of 23 Ahwazis detained last week accused of "corruption on Earth", "Acting against Internal Security" and "proselytizing Wahhabism".
Iran restricts and outlaws all Ahwazi Arabs cultural, social and political activities who face constant oppression from Iran including Apatied style policies, torture and ill-treatment and execution.  Despite one of the world richest region the benefits of oil, gas and rich natural resources of Al-Ahwaz do not reach the average Ahwazi citizen. Malnutrition among children is 80 per cent,  Ahwazi Arab unemployment rates are officially between 15-20%, and illiteracy is above 50%.  A million of the roughly 8-10 million Ahwazi Arabs live in urban slums, and more Ahwazi houses are destroyed every year by authorities to make room for government-sponsored settlemnts and business projects for Persians.

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