Thursday, 6 October 2011

Iran pollutes Ahwazi Arab homeland

More than one third of Iran’s total surface water of  94 billion m3 is flowing into the Arabistan Al Ahwaz( Khuzestan province) but ironically most of its inhabitants are suffering from poor quality drinking water, especially during the summer months. More than 70% of Arabistan Al Ahwazi, which includes the inhabitants of the  provincial capital city of Al Ahwaz and the two major port cities of Abbadan and Mohammarah, are dependent on Karun river and its subsidiaries rivers with the total annual capacity of 31 billion m3/annum flow into the Arabistan Al  Ahwaz plain, among them, Karun, with 22 billion m3/annum being by far the largest and also the longest river (860 km) Iran as a whole.

The overall size of the Karun’s catchments is 65,230 km2. Karun originates from the Zagros mountain range on the western borders of Iran and 460 km of its 860 km journey to the Arabian Gulf is in Arabistan Al Ahwaz s alluvial plain where irrigated agriculture has at least a 7000 years history.

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